Analyze the Performance of Your Website


Page load speed plays a big role in website optimization. There are tools that can help you measure your website speed and performance, such as Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, Pingdom and others. Which metrics should you focus on? The optimal value of site loading is 2-3 seconds, after the user moves on to the next site in the search. How to check the speed of the site? Here are a few tools that allow you to do this.

Google PageSpeed Insights

A free tool from Google that helps to evaluate the performance and loading speed of a website. Google Page Speed analyzes page load time, server response time, image optimization, caching and other parameters. The tool gives an overall assessment of loading speed for mobile and desktop devices, as well as recommendations on how to improve performance.


Like Google PageSpeed Insights this website page load speed service or tool provides a detailed analysis of its performance. It evaluates the loading speed, server response time, page size and more. GTmetrix offers recommendations to improve performance, including caching, resource compression, and code optimization.


A service provided by Pingdom AB allows you to measure site performance and monitor site availability. This tool allows you to check the speed of your site from different servers located in different parts of the world. Provides detailed reports on the load time of each web page element such as images, CSS styles, JavaScript scripts and other resources. Shows server response time and total page size. This data can help you identify problem areas and determine which page components are taking longer to load.

Take a close look at the recommendations provided by the performance analysis tool. They may indicate steps to optimize site loading. For example, implementing caching, using a CDN (content delivery network), improving code, or optimizing resources. Figure out which of these recommendations can be applied to your site and start implementing them. When interpreting the results, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Page load time;
  • Evaluate the overall time of your site. If it exceeds the recommended values (usually less than 3 seconds), it may indicate issues that need to be optimized;
  • Server response time;
  • This is the time it takes for the server to process a request. If the server response time is high, it may indicate a problem with your hosting or server configuration;
  • Page size and number of requests;
  • Large page sizes and many requests can slow down loading times. Pay attention to page size and number of requests, and try to reduce them by compressing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, combining them into a single file, or using caching;
  • Prioritize tasks;
  • Identify problem areas and prioritize them. Focus on those aspects that have the biggest impact on loading speed and performance. For example, if image size is a major issue, start by optimizing them;
  • Testing and re-analyzing;
  • After making changes and optimizing the site, re-analyze its performance using tools. This will allow you to see the result of the changes you made and allow you to continue optimizing if necessary.